1. What is an operational mill levy?

Operational levies help maintain ongoing educational services and ensure schools have the resources needed to operate effectively.
An operational mill levy provides funding for a school district’s day-to-day expenses (https://www.mtsba.org).
Operational costs include, but are not limited to:

  • Student Materials

  • Heating Buildings

  • Food

  • Electricity

  • Student Programs

  • Propane

  • Technology

  • Equipment

  • Insurance

  • Staffing

Links to election notices

2. What would an operations levy support?
Official Ballot General Fund Mill Levy (Click Here)

  • Inflationary costs of property and liability insurance – 76% increase over the last five years $288,000 – FTSD is a community center providing green spaces and indoor spaces for families and students. FTSD also houses a public library.

  • Address the critical needs of heating, utility and energy expenses to maintain safe and functional

    learning environments for students and staff. (We have rooms with portable electric heaters in them)

3. What is the history of FTSD and the General Fund?

Mill Levy History

Interactive Levy Calculator

Financial Information

4. How much does FTSD spend per pupil compared to the rest of Missoula County?

Per Pupil expenditure

5. Local taxpayers are funding 18% of the District's general fund for the 2024-2025 school year.                             

General Fund Pie chart

6. General Fund Expenditures

General Fund Expenditures

FTSD Seeks Voter approval for Mill Levy - $539,000

Inflation on school operations has outpaced our ability to pay for necessary items:

  • Classroom Materials & Equipment

  • School Lunches

  • Heating Costs

  • Electricity

  • Propane

  • Technology

  • Insurance

  • Staffing

Programs at risk if FTSD without a mill levy:

  • Reduced Coaching

  • Reduced Sports

  • Special Programs (Robotics, Destination Imagination, Math Counts)

  • Student Progress Testing

  • Inability to replace retiring staff and non-tenured staff

The GOOD news is that through the MT Legislative Session, our Governor has heard the taxpayer loud and clear. There are property tax relief bills that will LOWER PROPERTY TAXES. The cost of the Mill Levy that you vote for could be offset by property tax relief bills in process.

Please click here to view the survey results from the 2023-2024 survey