This coming week, Riverside Contracting crews remain in a similar location to last week. Currently, pipe and earthwork are taking place on the southbound side of the roadway between the Frenchtown Frontage Road and the bottom of Evaro Hill. These southbound driving lanes will be closed during the day. The northbound lanes will have periodic lane closures to facilitate the construction. The whole roadway will be open on evening and weekends, permitting the work zone is safe for drivers.
With the lane closures and reduced speed limit, drivers can expect delays. However, traffic is moving steadily through the work zone.
Milling and surveying is also occurring between the Frenchtown Frontage Road and the bottom of Evaro Hill. Surveying should be wrapped up at the end of next week.
This work at the north end of the project site is in preparation for road widening. The Montana Department of Transportation will be widening the roadway from the Frenchtown Frontage Road to the bottom of Evaro Hill to create a safe and more efficient travel experience for years to come. Here is a link to the project webpage that includes a helpful map. This also indicates where pavement preservation will be taking place later this summer.
Please continue to be extra cautious of workers, equipment, signs and other drivers when passing through the construction zone. Your safety is our priority!
Weekly project updates will be provided every Friday throughout construction. If you have any questions, please call 406-207-4484 or email me at
More information on the project can be found on MDT’s website:
Alternative accessible formats of this document will be provided on request. Persons who need an alternative format should contact the Office of Civil Rights, Department of Transportation, 2701 Prospect Avenue, PO Box 201001, Helena, MT 59620. Telephone 406-444-5416 or Montana Relay Service at 711.